2017年5月16日 星期二

My dearest Matthew

Yesterday I went to pick Matthew from Nanny's home.  

After we went down stair, he was walking in front of me, did not look back.  With his growth, his looking-back frequency is getting less and less.  I looked at his short legs, well many people told me he is tall and perhaps he won't be happy about "short", walking steadily and happily.

This is my son, who was only 33cm when he just got out from my womb.  From day 1 he has never stop asking for everything from me and Wayne, so hasn't his growth, it is really way too fast.

He still ask for our hugs, cries a lot when being cursed by us, but sometimes he says "I don't like it", "I want to play the toy let me go...".

One day he will say "I'm going out with my friend, not going to have dinner with you and dad", "mom, I want to be alone!".......

The love from parents is really amazing, we don't know how to stop.....

Stupid, right?  A short walking downstair the nanny's house, all kinds of thoughts flashing through my head.

Then we got on the car, he said: "mom I gave 2 of my color pens to Yen Yen, we had fun."

"Oh that's good, I am glad you share."
"嗯!" He responded with strong nod and voice.

I feel grateful and sad.  Dear Matthew, that is your color pen box, mommy and daddy won't stop you from giving it to anyone, they only thing we stop you from is anything that harms you.



My expectation to PM role

Computex展前training... (1) 知道自己哪裡爛 (2) 知道哪裡可以改 我想要 (1) 當一個知道自己產品、會講自己產品講到讓別人懂的PM (2) 知道每一個規格開出來,能夠打的應用/市場